Teachers and Staff
We have learned so much from our teachers and staff. Here is one of my favorites from an important quote I heard from one of our teachers a long time ago: This was [...]
We have learned so much from our teachers and staff. Here is one of my favorites from an important quote I heard from one of our teachers a long time ago: This was [...]
Families. Parents. Parents are a big part of Memorial Private School. They are essentially completely involved. We love working with them. If we could not meet with them proactively like we do, we [...]
It is completely amazing how different people are. And it is SO GOOD to learn how to put your own different talents into play, as well as to understand and learn from others’ [...]
One of our parents just suggested yesterday how he sees Memorial Private School. Speaking off the cuff, so to say - his take on it is well-said: "Traditional values. Non-traditional methods." [...]
Hooked on Devices? 10 Signs to Watch in Your Teen Are you concerned your teen is dependent or possibly hooked on technology? Technology addiction research continues to grow as more teens become [...]
Interested in learning more about ways neuroscience is impacting private education? Neuroscience breakthroughs offer private schools a way to view learning through a different lens. By understanding how the brain works and [...]