Co-Curricular Activities Abound
Co-curricular activities include: clubs, weekend activities, trips, excursions, prom, dances, community service projects, student council and a retreat.
Co-Curriculars Educate and Engage
Clubs – National Honor Society, StuCo, Toastmasters, Spanish, theater, chess, journalism, gardening, drawing, reading, journalism, and more. Clubs vary from year to year based on student interests.
Fun Learning and Making – We have fun making ice cream, creating costumes for Halloween, giving gifts on “palentine’s day,” icing gingerbread houses at Christmas time and celebrating the major holidays.
Dances and Prom – One of the most popular events is prom in the spring. Held at resorts and country clubs in Houston, dances and prom are always filled with fun, live music, and dancing.
Questions about our co-curricular activities? Contact Us!

Leadership and Service
Youth Leadership – Leaders learn lessons about positive behavior to inspire fellow students. Identifying issues and finding solutions is all part of a growth mindset. Student Council is a great way to get involved and take the lead on school activities.
Community Service Projects – Supporting others is part of our school culture and we engage in a number of projects each year. From the Buckner International Shoe Drive to La Pulsera bracelets to support Latin America to Camp Hope to thank our veterans, we want to make a difference in the world.
School Retreat – Every fall, students at Memorial private school head out to a premier retreat center (Camp Tejas), where they enjoy spiritual, social, and physical activities. They learn how to lead and work in teams.

Educational Trips
Students enjoy fun and educational excursions to museums, festivals, baseball games, rodeos, the zoo and more throughout the year.
For global education, we roll out themes each month to celebrate people and places around the world and hosted an international week based on cultural research, exploring the food, music, sports, and other elements of each country.
A trip to Discovery Green was a highlight this year. It was a great way to learn about the Lunar New Year through the famous Lion Dance, traditions, music, and Asian food.

Visiting a festival to celebrate Native American Heritage Month cultivated a new understanding and appreciation for arts, crafts, and music of Indigenous peoples.