We have learned so much from our teachers and staff. Here is one of my favorites from an important quote I heard from one of our teachers a long time ago: This was when a child was not telling the truth about something (and he was sticking to it). The teacher said to the child: “It’s not what you lie about, it’s that you lie”. Think about that. Lying about little dumb things, just builds lying. And it changes things.
Every good thing is built on trust. Trust is just plain huge and we want each one of us to understand this. When the slightest inconsistency pops up, big lies or little, etc. it can almost change everything. All the sudden, you wonder…… about is there something else…
It’s not that you thought the person (or yourself) was always perfect or never lied, or ‘stretched the truth’. But the beautiful thing was you had no reason to even think that (that person lied or misled), and everyone was moving along communicating and working well together, day in day out. But then, now, you start wondering….
The teachers and staff teach us as much as the kids. When you are working so closely with people all day, you are grateful for a team that can be open and honest. Ways in which the MPS team simply practices this is maturity. This often means to let little things go, they don’t gossip, they help each other, and they reach out in building relationships. I just realized, when we do this, we are modeling that for our students. And you know how closely our kids watch and remember what you do, even more than what you say.
Trust is important for every one of us – in the school and from our families at home. We appreciate our team because they personally care and are inspiring regarding these qualities. There are few enough kids in the school, that these things easily rise to our attention. Being close is wonderful, and tough sometimes. Practicing honesty, in itself, makes beautiful memories.