Families. Parents. Parents are a big part of Memorial Private School. They are essentially completely involved. We love working with them. If we could not meet with them proactively like we do, we would not have enough information about the child to guide our teaching to meet their needs.


And this is real hard! We don’t do it perfectly at all. We can see our gaps more clearly, and often, because we know every single family, and we appreciate their input so much.


Parenting is such a beautiful thing, and often so very hard. Clueless, comes to mind. It is tricky how to handle little everyday things, to the big things. I cannot imagine what kind of job we would do if we did not have such easy and frequent talks with the parents.


So much of a child’s demeanor, behavior, self-esteem comes from what happens at home – and at school too. Collaborating with the families is an imperative part of teaching. When the child gets out of the car in the morning, we sort of have ‘no idea’ what went on the day before or this morning.


And likewise, when school is over, and the child gets in the car at end of day, or drives home after school, their parents don’t know everything that happened at school either. It’s the small school thing again that helps us so much. It makes a difference.


We are all deeply grateful for working together to keep our communication up.